Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to order a product in "cafepress"?

Click on cafepress ( you can find the link under the heading "For more dotpaintings and drawings, go to....")

  • The new screen shows the products with dotpaint.
  • Click on one of the products.

- You see the product clearly with the price in dollars (1 dollar = 0,68 GPB - this can change of course).

- View larger : you can magnify the image.

- Discription : These sizes are in inches.

- You want to change the amount? You must change QTY ( quantity)

BE CREATIVE : You can choose your own design on Note Cards, Post Cards, Greeting Cards ( all images marked with an * ) and Journal ( all images marked with an = ), as your own text or wishes!!! Look at the "dotpaint" page of the website If you have chosen a beautiful image, leave a message in the page "email". I change the dotpaint in the shop and after my comfirmation to you , you can order your product with your favorite image.

  • Are you interested in a product? Click on "add to cart".
  • Your order with the number of products, description + price appears on the screen. The total amount is with shipment (extra cost). "Economy" is a maximum of two weeks delivery. Click on "shipping and returns" for more information.
  • Are you satisfied with the price and you want to pay? Click on "proceed to checkout".
  • Then "continue" as a new costumer.
  • Now enter your details.
  1. Billing adress.
  2. Shipping to billingadress or other adress.
  3. Shipping.
  4. Payment.
  5. Create an account.
  • You will be notified when your products are shipped and this happens with a message on your email.

Thank you for your order and enjoy your dotpaint.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

about me

I´m born and raised, surrounded by nature, in the "Kempen" ( North-Belgium). From 1988, I went in search of the sun and I found her in Cataluña ( North-Spain) where I lived from 1992 till 2003. In 2007 I left Belgium again, with stops in Crete (a few months), Mexico (two weeks), South-Spain (a few months) and at this moment I live in Denia (prov. Alicante).
You´re young and you want something. I drew a bird and my prize was a football. As a young boy this is an important step and over the years I have regularly made a drawing or a painting. The passion was further strengthened by following a few winters a nightschool in Reus (Cataluña). This sent me on the right path. Dotpainting, only years later, give me the final start. Drawing and painting is combined with my work as a rep. Nature, aesthetics, colors are important sources of inspiration, but the sun plays a crucial role in the combination of daily life with art.........
P.S. : A special thanks for the good advice given by my better half, Dominique.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


In 2006 I was fascinated by an artist in Belgium by some dotpaints on canvas he had exposed. I was hypnotised by the power of the artwork and it sucked me into the canvas and that was new for me.

I started painting again but had no clear purpose, had no preference. Shortley afterwards there was a 2 hours workshop given by the same artist in the local village and I was excited. The workshop led to self - start.

Relaxation, be yourself, imagination, fascination........, These are some values to me by this technique of painting.

I usually start by drawing some lines and let me lead by my fantasy, where the dots allow me to bring. It happens also that I have a clear picture of a design. Acryl is the basicpaint and very important are the colorcombinations, colors can make are brake the design.

This is just the beginning, many ideas will still come and there are many dots to follow.........