Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to order a product in "cafepress"?

Click on cafepress ( you can find the link under the heading "For more dotpaintings and drawings, go to....")

  • The new screen shows the products with dotpaint.
  • Click on one of the products.

- You see the product clearly with the price in dollars (1 dollar = 0,68 GPB - this can change of course).

- View larger : you can magnify the image.

- Discription : These sizes are in inches.

- You want to change the amount? You must change QTY ( quantity)

BE CREATIVE : You can choose your own design on Note Cards, Post Cards, Greeting Cards ( all images marked with an * ) and Journal ( all images marked with an = ), as your own text or wishes!!! Look at the "dotpaint" page of the website If you have chosen a beautiful image, leave a message in the page "email". I change the dotpaint in the shop and after my comfirmation to you , you can order your product with your favorite image.

  • Are you interested in a product? Click on "add to cart".
  • Your order with the number of products, description + price appears on the screen. The total amount is with shipment (extra cost). "Economy" is a maximum of two weeks delivery. Click on "shipping and returns" for more information.
  • Are you satisfied with the price and you want to pay? Click on "proceed to checkout".
  • Then "continue" as a new costumer.
  • Now enter your details.
  1. Billing adress.
  2. Shipping to billingadress or other adress.
  3. Shipping.
  4. Payment.
  5. Create an account.
  • You will be notified when your products are shipped and this happens with a message on your email.

Thank you for your order and enjoy your dotpaint.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

about me

I´m born and raised, surrounded by nature, in the "Kempen" ( North-Belgium). From 1988, I went in search of the sun and I found her in Cataluña ( North-Spain) where I lived from 1992 till 2003. In 2007 I left Belgium again, with stops in Crete (a few months), Mexico (two weeks), South-Spain (a few months) and at this moment I live in Denia (prov. Alicante).
You´re young and you want something. I drew a bird and my prize was a football. As a young boy this is an important step and over the years I have regularly made a drawing or a painting. The passion was further strengthened by following a few winters a nightschool in Reus (Cataluña). This sent me on the right path. Dotpainting, only years later, give me the final start. Drawing and painting is combined with my work as a rep. Nature, aesthetics, colors are important sources of inspiration, but the sun plays a crucial role in the combination of daily life with art.........
P.S. : A special thanks for the good advice given by my better half, Dominique.